Skin Cancer Surgery

How is skin cancer removal performed?

After anesthesia, a small or contained lesion can be removed with an excision. However, skin cancer is often like an iceberg, in that the surface only shows a small portion of the growth. In some cases, Mohs surgery may be recommended for skin can removal that doesn’t have a defined border. Sometimes, lesions are removed then frozen to be examined later. If a large lesion needs to be removed, a flap may be used to reposition healthy tissue over the wound. Skin grafts can also be used from one area of the body and related to the would site.

What can I expect after skin cancer removal?

After skin cancer removal it is important to follow all wound care instructions such as cleansing and topical medications. Try to limit movement that may stress your wound or sutures. Patients should expect a full recovery after several weeks.

How much does skin cancer removal cost?

For questions about financing, ask to speak with our Surgical Consultant at your appointment. They can discuss all fees and costs with you. If you are considering a skin procedure, check out our skin cancer removal before and after photos to see the amazing results you could achieve. Dr. Rosenblatt offers other skin procedures including scar revision, laceration repair and moles, lumps & bumps. If you are a patient in Manhattan or the surrounding areas of New York City and are considering cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, call Lenox Hill Plastic Surgery Center at (212) 570-6100. Our talented staff members can answer all your questions and also schedule your consultation.